Westie vs French Bulldog: Which Is the Better House Pet?

One of the things people look for in a house pet is its ability to provide that feel-good emotion. Westies and French bulldogs both possess that look that can melt your heart.

After a stressful day at work, you just want to head home and look at something that makes you feel good. Imagine either a Westie or a Frenchie greeting you as you enter the door. Now that certainly puts all your worries in the backburner.

In a contest for a spot in your immediate family, which should you choose between a Westie vs French bulldog? We’ve compiled a list of helpful information on both breeds to help you decide.

Westie vs French Bulldog

How your furry friend behaves indoors is going to be the main factor in the decision-making process. While training can be hugely contributory to your pet’s behavior, there are instances when the innate characteristics of the breed win out.

At the end of the day, you want your pet to behave. You want your dog to know its place. No means no. Sit means sit. Opening the door leash in hand means that it’s time for a walk, but make sure to stay close to mom and dad.

So the question is: who would take top prize in the major category of pet behavior? Let’s find out.

1. Behavior Around Kids

First, do you have children in your home? If you do or plan to, it’s important to consider how the presence of your pet-of-choice is going to influence your child’s life, and vice versa.

Naturally, regardless of the order in which they came into your life, your offspring should always be the priority.


While we wouldn’t exactly say Westies are bad around kids, they’re not necessarily the best for them either. If your children came before you adopted a West Highland white terrier, then they are highly likely to receive your dog’s fierce loyalty. However, you may encounter slight problems if your child came after your pooch was welcomed into the family.

Your Westie may have gotten used to the family dynamics, which it feels is disrupted by the presence of your child. The Westie, by no means, is a dangerous dog, but it can display unpredictable behavior.

In both instances indicated in this section, training is going to be a major factor. If you wish for this breed to be in its best behavior around your children consistently, you may want to hire a trainer.

Generally, the child-friendliness level displayed by this particular dog breed isn’t too bad, averaging at around a seven out of ten. Train them well, and it could easily be a nine or more. We only want the safest and most ideal for our little ones, after all.


You’ll find no dog as loving as a French bulldog. The look they give can literally melt your heart. They are adorable and affectionate creatures, which makes them the ideal companions at home. They know their place in the family and will love your child as much as they love you.

2. Security

Having a pet indoors is a great way to enhance security measures. Both Westies and Frenchies are dog breeds that you won’t have to worry about being stolen.

They’re not going to be friendly to a complete stranger. In fact, you can expect both to announce the presence of visitors as soon as they see them entering the residence.


A Westie is both protective and aggressive. This seemingly tiny dog can pack a punch in the barking department. They won’t stand for other dogs invading their territory and won’t take kindly to strangers snooping around your home.

What’s more, you can count on them not to be too friendly with visitors they hardly see or have never seen before.


While not nearly as aggressive as a Westie, a Frenchie will bark if it sees someone or something unfamiliar come close to your property.

Don’t mistake its lovable and adorable personality for lack of protective qualities, because it will bark at or nudge you if it senses some form of danger.

3. Suitability to Your Lifestyle

Your choice of dog breed should also be based on your lifestyle. This guarantees that both the owner and the pet would benefit from the union. When you and your pooch are compatible, it makes for a much easier and more meaningful relationship.

Remember that adopting or buying a dog doesn’t only mean thinking about the happiness they can give you but also about the joy you can give them. It works both ways.


Like many terrier breeds, Westies are loyal to a fault. They may possess that unpredictable dynamic terrier behavior, but that doesn’t remove from their fierce loyalty to you and your family.

For as long as you show this breed who the pack leader is, they will remember their place until the very end. While loyalty is not going to be an issue with this pet, your lifestyle may be.

If you find yourself constantly taking work trips and leaving your pets in the care of your neighbors, you may come home to an extremely messy house. Training may help with this matter but can only go so far, considering a Westie’s penchant for digging holes and dragging objects and articles of clothing around.


Loneliness is never an issue with a Frenchie, which makes it the perfect pet for those who are always out and about. You don’t have to worry about pups being unhappy because of a lack of attention.

To top it all off, Frenchies aren’t going to need as much exercise as the larger, more active breeds.

Which Is Better?

So, who wins betwee a Westie vs French bulldog? Honestly, both a West Highland white terrier and French bulldog would make excellent house pets. However, based on the above criteria, you have to give a slight edge to the Frenchie overall.

A French bulldog is awesome to have around kids, makes for a great security alarm, and fits the contemporary lifestyle perfectly. A Westie does well in every department, too, even getting the better of the Frenchie in terms of being a good source of security.

Final Thoughts

Small dogs make for great companions at home. They’re adorable, energetic, and loyal. A good number of small dog breeds are also incredibly smart; they would know when you’re leaving for work and be well aware of the time you’re coming home. To put it simply, they aren’t just companions; they’re family.

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