Well, I tell you one thing: Sami, our Westie, loves watermelon.

Is Watermelon Good for Dogs?
Is watermelon good for dogs, then? Yes, it’s amazing. It’s low in calories and packed with nutrients—vitamins A, B6, and C, and potassium. BUT! You should remove the seeds. The seeds are not inherently bad for your dogs, but they can create intestinal blockage, so avoid it. The rind of the watermelon is also better avoided, because it can give your puppy an upset stomach.
Finally, remember that watermelon has a lot of sugar. This means you should give your puppy only small bits and not a lot of them.
Moreover, because watermelon is mostly water (hence the name, probably), it’s also good for hidration.
We love to stay outside later in the day, when the scorching heat of Portugal goes away. Sami enjoys staying with us, but sometimes he wants to play. And the best treats for him when he executes his commands are, you guessed it, bits of watermelon.
We also hide them through the yard from time to time, to give him something to do for a longer period of time. This way, we can enjoy some uninterrupted time of our own.
Actually, I’ve noticed something quite interesting today: he doesn’t seem to be able to smell the watermelon as well as he does the other treats. Sami can smell treats from meters away, but sometimes he passed a piece of watermelon 10 inches away from him without noticing it. You can see how he does with the treats in this video, where he is trying a new snuffle mat!
And, by the way, I love watermelons a lot, as well. Sami has a leash and a collar with watermelons and I love drawing them, as well, as you can see in the image below. In which, you guessed it, he has a watermelon bowtie!

More information on watermelons can be found here.
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